Why us

Why us

Supplying compressor systems for more than 40 years, we have the knowledge and expertise to make quick decisions, and utilize the in-house capacity to adapt to the market situation. Being flexible and adaptive is a big advantage agains other bigger organizations and rigorous procedures. In stead of going through several departments which would normally require […]

Supplying compressor systems for more than 40 years, we have the knowledge and expertise to make quick decisions, and utilize the in-house capacity to adapt to the market situation. Being flexible and adaptive is a big advantage agains other bigger organizations and rigorous procedures. In stead of going through several departments which would normally require several years, we can make decisions immediately and apply changes, modifications and new innovations in very narrow timeline.

We have a unique advantage since about 85% av the components in our compressors is produced in-house. This allows us full control of the material supply chain, component costs, and quality. This unique approach to manufacturing provides us the opportunity to respond rapidly to changing market demands and enables us to bring new technologies and products to the market quickly and cost-effectively.

Our missionyou get the best technology, as standard

In order to reach environmental sustainability, we believe, that the best technology available must be utilized. Our products offer outstanding energy efficiency and reliability. We work to produce compressors with the highest energy performance ratio (specific energy) which will meet both current and future needs and demands. We achive this by using both single and two-stage technology, both oil-injected and oil-free.